Climate Control
Our most popular climate control computers are:
1) EC-5/EC-8: The EC-5 and EC-8 provide an ideal solution for reliable, economical and accurate climate control of one glasshouse. For more information please download our EC-5 and EC-8 brochures.
2) MEC-128: The Hortisystems MEC-128 provides an ideal solution for reliable, economical and accurate climate control of one glasshouse or up to eight glasshouse zones. For more information about the MEC-128, please download our brochure.
3a) Ridder- Hortimax Go!: is designed for touchscreen operation of one glassshouse and is unique in how the computer is connected to the greenhouse equipment. For more information about the Ridder- Hortimax Go!, please download our brochure.
3b) Ridder Growing Solutions: The Ridder range of computers provides an ideal system for larger glasshouses and greater environmental control. For more information about the Ridder controls please visit our website www.Ridder.com
Hortisystems has a climate control computer for every greenhouse. Please contact us for further information.